(Click on area below for more information about dancing classes in the area.)

Wedding Dance Choreography - Add the icing to the cake so to speak by having the most spectacular wedding dance choreographed just for you. CLICK HERE for more info.
Ballroom/Latin American - Ballroom and Latin American dancing classes are taught on a social level only. The focus is on teaching as many dance variations as possible thus giving pupils a lot of variety of steps to do when out dancing. The aim of these dance classes is to teach cool moves that can be used at functions and dancing parties. Dancing classes available in Bryanston. Click on area for more information about times of new classes.
Latin for Ladies -
Sexy Latin moves here we come. The class is danced in high heels and combines the sexy moves of Latin American dancing into a fun and exciting routine that incorporates arms instead of holding a partner.
Hip-Hop - This is the latest craze in dancing. Hip-Hop dancing is what you see in most music videos these days. Most popular artists are Janet Jackson, NSync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera etc. Hip-Hop is lots of fun and a very aerobic type of exercise. Not for the faint of heart :).
Stretching with EFT (only available in Bryanston ... new class starting 2008 ... Thursday mornings only) - This is a stretch class with a difference. I did my advanced EFT certificate last year and while I was completing the papers I started experimenting with using EFT to enhance flexability. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is an energy balaning therapy that balances negative emotions quickly and easily. It works really well on emotions that are stuck and through my research I discovered that a lot of range of motion and flexability issues are programmed into the muscles. This negative programming can easily be fixed with EFT along with the emotions that were tied to that tension. I have had great success with increasing self-confidance, assertiveness and an increased sense of well-being. The structure of the class is a stretch class using EFT to enhance flexability qwickly and effortlessly.
Fit Jazz - Jazz is an excellent form of dance for
expressing yourself through fluid and sharp movements to dynamic music while
exercising at the same time. This class is divided into 2 parts. For the
first half hour we do an exciting warm-up including stretching and toning
exersises and the second half hour we do either short dance routines to
work on technique or we work on a full dance that I choreograph. This class
is ideal for teens and adults that would like to learn something while they
are exersising. This way the work out is fun and doesn't feel strenuous
even though you are doing intense exercise. rices.
Singing Lessons
Ballroom Studios